香港醫藥援助會 Project Concern Hong Kong


Outreach Dental Care Program


Department of Health awarded a 3-year “Outreach Dental Care Programme for the Elderly” to Project Concern Hong Kong in 2014.  The aim of this programme is to provide a free preventive dental care service to those elders in day care centres and residential care homes.

Project Concern assigned one outreach dental team to provide free dental care services to those elders in Shamshuipo and Tung Chung.  Apart from the preventive dental care to the elders, an oral health education will also be provided to the care givers and nurses in day care centres and residential care homes.  For details of this programme, please contact us at 2776 9081.

   Outreach dental team provides oral care to the elders at residential care homes  Outreach dental team provides oral care to the elders at residential care homes  Outreach Dental Care Program - Oral Health Talk