Elementary Dental Surgery Assistant Course 2017
(Joint course offered by Project Concern Hong Kong
and Lingnan Institute of Further Education)
Programme Overview:
The Elementary Dental Surgery Assistant Course is a joint course offered by Lingnan Institute of Further Education and Project Concern Hong Kong. The course will help the students to fully understand the expertise and professional practices. Project Concern Hong Kong was founded in 1961 which is to establish and maintain non-profit making general medical and dental clinics and other charitable social services to the low income sector of the community throughout the whole territories of Hong Kong.

Admission Requirement:
- Level 2 in five HKDSE subjects including Chinese Language and English Language or equivalent; or
- Satisfactory completion of Project Yi Jin / Yi Jin Diploma; or
- Aged 21 or above at the commencement of the course; or
- Minimum 1-year full-time working experience as a Dental Surgery Assistant; or
- Other equivalent qualifications to be assessed by LIFE
Programme Objectives:
- To encourage participation in dental clinics as a means for entrance to their professionalism and to become life-long learners;
- To provide elementary levels of Dental Surgery Assistant training to general public who are interested in becoming a DSA and as well as working DSA
Programme Features
- Total 30 hours(with 18 hours of lecture,6 hours of clinical practice, 6 hours of Dental Health Education Project or related activities)
- The medium of instruction of the programme is Cantonese (supplemented by English) and (study materials will mainly be in English.)
A. Lecture (6 sessions, total 18 hours)
- Basic dental theory and career prospect
- Facility, equipment and operation in dental clinics
- Infection control and sterilization procedures
- Handling skills of emergency cases
- Customer service and communication skills
- Clinical technique training
B. Clinical practice in a dental clinic (total 6 hours)
- Charting
- Basic dental instrument
- Scaling and suction techniques
- Forceps
- X-ray and OPG
- Clinical examination
C. Dental Health Education Project (total 6 hours)
Tuition Fee:
- Theoretical subjects: YMCA, 41 Salisbury Road, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon
- Practicum: Shop 113, Lei Cheng Uk Arcade, Lei Cheng Uk Estate, Shamshuipo, Kowloon
- Theoretical subjects: 10 April - 29 May 2017, Monday, 7:00pm-10:00pm
- Practicum:2 Jun - 30Jun 2017, Friday, 7:00pm-10:00pm
Application Deadline: 31 March 2017 Online Application
Commencement Date: 10 April 2017
Email: LLPD@LN.edu.hk
Tel: 2776 9081 / 2616 7255
Website: http://life.LN.edu.hk/llp/dsa
Teaching and Learning Support:
Students of the Elementary Dental Surgery Assistant Course 2016 participated in the “Love Teeth Day”, organized by Project Concern Hong Kong on 23 April 2016. During the event, students were given chance to be an observer of a tooth extraction surgery and assisted in adult and children dental screening.